It must be Spring! Two new books from Otter-Barry Books about baby arrivals, but they are completely different stories. Beautiful books with delightful illustrations and stories that will be wonderful for sharing.
Surprise! Surprise is by Niki Daly. Niki is an internationally acclaimed, award winning writer and illustrator who lives in South Africa.
The story is about a couple who dream of having a child, but end up looking after a little pig as a child. When he is not allowed into school because he is a pig, they start to rethink the whole thing and make changes, But not changes you would expect... they all end up with surprising noses! Be careful what you ask for...

Monster Baby is by Sarah Dyer, who won the Smarties Bronze Award for Five Little Friends. A really good book to read if a baby is on the way, it is written from the older brother's point of view,he couldn't be held by his Mum and then had to share his toys and presents. Very appealing illustrations and the monsters as characters are fun and quirky.
Both books are newly published this month, March 2017 and form a great part of the book-list of Otter-Barry Books, an exciting new imprint for children's books.
Sue Martin - Dolphin Booksellers
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