Admiration or Fear? Which is the best thing for a dragon? This is a heart warming tale about a dragon trying to be fierce, his father wants him to burn down the whole village!
But the young dragon finds another way to make his father proud of him. And it doesn't involve any kind of burning!
A debut book, published Sept 21st 2017, from an exciting new author based in Paris. A tale about fathers and sons and also about dragons. Drake, the young dragon sets off to the village in search of a house to burn, but it just doesn't work out. No one is afraid of him and he does some good along the way.

It is a hardback book, beautifully presented with engaging illustrations and a story that is just right to read aloud in a class, or to share at home. The last place Drake visits is an old wooden shack, just right for breathing fire upon. But instead the fisherman comes along and Drake lights a fire to cook the fish.
And the rest of the story is for reading...
Alexandre Lacroix is the author, he has written several books for adults and is the editor of Philosophie Magazine.
Ronan Badel lives and works in Brittany where he writes and illustrates childrens books for most of the time.
A great book from Words and Pictures.
Sue Martin
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