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A classic picture book, Immi is about friendship across cultures, reissued by popular demand and an Otter-Barry launch title for Spring 2016.

It is written and illustrated by Karin Littlewood in a beautiful style of painting which create a real atmosphere on the pages. Karin has illustrated over 40 childrens books and her work has been nominated three times for the Kate Greenaway Medal.

Immi lives in a land of ice and snow and one day when she is fishing she finds a wooden bird at the end of her fishing line. Every day after that, she discovers something new, until her igloo is the brightest in the land.

But where are these mysterious gifts coming from and who is sending them? One day she drops her small white bear pendant into the hole in the ice. Where does it go? It finds a home in a distant land.

'This is a book that will be with you forever, we recommend it for all ages of children and adults'.

Sue Martin               Dolphin BookSellers and Books Go Walkabout

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