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If All the World were... - cover image and web link
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'If all the world were springtime

I would replant my Grandad's birthday's

so that he would never get old'.

A stunningly beautiful book about missing someone.

From springtime to winter the pages travel with a girl and her Grandad, laughing smiling, sharing stories, Indian sweets and home-made toys. A book full of happiness.

Then one day his chair is empty, with only his slippers and a new notebook, but no Grandad.

If All the World Were… by Joseph Coelho & Allison Colpoys - cover image and web link
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In the wonderful illustrations the girl takes the new notebook and writes her memories and draws her best pictures, all of them with her Grandad.

This is just a beautiful book from Joseph Coehlo and Allison Colpoys, published by Lincoln Children's Books. The words and illustrations match the essence of the story; that happiness can be found again even if you lose someone very close.

Couldn't resist adding a video...

I love it!

Recommend for ages 3 and upwards....

Sue Martin

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