Lions used to live in many places in Africa. Asia and Europe. Now they only live in central and southern Africa and in the Gir Forest National Park in India. They are magnificent cats and this book gives 10 excellent reasons to love them.
- They hang out together - unlike other cats
- They have magnificent manes - the males' manes can protect them from fierce bites and scratches.
Another 8 reasons follow in this book by Catherine Barr, illustrated by Hanako Clulow.
It's a great book to have in hard back and part of the 10 Reasons to Love series by Lincoln Children's Books in collaboration with the National History Museum in London. Look out for 10 Reasons to Love a Penguin too. Both books are published on 10th August 2018.

The book is an exploration of environmental issues with conservation angles, written by an expert environmentalist.
Catherine Barr studied ecology at Leeds Univesity and also worked at Greenpeace International, then at National HIstory Museum. She has written four other books in this series and also The Story of Life.
Hanako Clulow left Japan for Ireland studying visual arts and english and after time studying child psychology Hanako pursued her passion for the arts and illustration.
Lincoln Children's Books are committed to quality in children's books and enabling access to information and a love of reading. The 10 Reasons to Love books are a great book to have for schools, libraries and at home. Recommend for ages 4- 7 years.
Sue Martin
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