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Felix hides all of his sorrows inside a large black suitcase that he carries with him wherever he goes. One day a small boy opens the suitcase and Felix wakes with all the tears he has been hiding inside for so long. Free from his tears and worries Felix journeys back into the world which is waiting for him with open arms.

A beautiful book, a wonderful story of how a child fills his world with sorrow and can not find a way back to being happy. Until somehow a boy manages to find a way in to opening the suitcase.

This story can be used  when children are feeling sad and can't deal with their emotions. A powerful way to delve right in to their thoughts without causing too much hurt.

Felix After the Rain from Tiny Owl Publishers, is  written and illustrated by Dunja Jogan and translated by Olivia Hellewell  from Slovenian into English and funded through a PEN Translates Award to Tiny Owl to bring this book to an English-speaking audience.

I had to write about this book as it is just right for a very special young girl I know , who is suffering from carrying too much hard stuff in her suitcase.

Publication date is February 24th. Definitely a book to have in school, at home and in libraries.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Take a ride through 26 fully illustrated search and find spreads, each one themed on a number. Count the animals going into Noah's Ark, two by two, spot 13 scary skeletons at the haunted house and 16 different things at the fun fair.

This is an amazing book to spend hours searching & spotting. Be warned children are  better than adults at this task!

You can learn numbers from 1-100, sharpen your visual skills, develop vocabulary and be an expert in search and find!

The two authors, Amanda Wood and Mike Jolley, plus illustrator Allan Sanders have come together with the publisher Wide Eyed Editions to create this beautifully produced book following on from Search and Find the Alphabet, which is a huge success.

Amanda Wood started her career in illustration at the Natural History Museum and then was the founding Editor and Publisher of Templar with many Greenaway winners.

Mike Jolley has worked in children's publishing for  25 years and is the author of several wonderfully illustrated books, such as Curiositree.

Allan Sanders has worked on animations for the FIFA world cup website and many books such as Little Explorers and How Machines Work.

Wide Eyed Editions have a high profile book list of top quality and intriguing books for children with attention to detail and the production of stunning books.

We love this book and I am about to take away with me to spend the evening searching for the 18 crazy golf objects!

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Dance. Dolphin, Dance - cover image and web link
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The adventure of a bottle-nose dolphin living in the underwater kelp forest of the coast of California. The dolphin dances in the swirling waters of the kelp forest, but the waters become rougher and stronger and dolphin finds herself among other sea creatures who are escaping the stormy seas.

Tuna, a Big Blue Whale, a Great White Shark and a Killer Whale all are hiding within the kelp. Our dolphin has to be quick and escapes to the deepest part of the dark kelp forest.

A beautiful picture book written and illustrated by Patricia MacCarthy and with fascinating images using photo shop techniques  showing the dolphin swimming with other creatures in the kelp forest. Published by Otter-Barry, Dance.Dolphin, Dance is a  unique edition to their list of excellently published picture books.

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I really enjoyed this book, and especially as we had just returned from the beach in North Norfolk and seen jellyfish on the sands at low tide. No dolphins though! And we are especially keen on dolphins!!

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Jasper Space Dog - image and web link
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Jasper Space Dog is the first in series of stories about a lovable hound with big ideas. Jasper travels and crosses time boundaries as he explores time and place. A great first chapter book which will be a good read for eager readers and for those who just love to find out more.

This first book (Moon Landing 50th Anniversary Edition) is about space and about traveling to the moon, with many references to just what it was like on those first journeys to the moon and the moon landing. Jasper just needs to know how a dog would survive.

"Would the astronauts have eaten hot dogs and how did they cook the sausages", he asks a Rocket Scientist who has all the answers to his questions.

A great addition to the story is the last section of the book which is about Apollo 11 and the crew who made the first journey to the moon and celebrated this with the first moon walk.

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Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin were the crew. Great timing to write about this book as Toy Story 4 hits the cinemas and my favourite character Buzz Light Year works with Woody and others to solve problems.

The author is Hilary Robinson, author, radio producer, broadcaster and feature writer. She was born in Devon and brought up in Nigeria and England.Author of over forty books for children.   The illustrator  is Lewis James, with some really appealing images, just right for an adventurous dog! It is published by Strauss Production

Recommenced in homes and schools as a great book for children around 6- 7 who are keen to read more. Look forward to the next books in the series of Jasper Dog.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Humperdink - cover image and web link
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Humperdink arrives at the children's playgroup.

He is not quite the same as the others and he can't play all their games, although he is very friendly.

But dressing up is a problem and hide and seek is just a disaster, even if he keeps his eyes shut!


But one day he tries the children's slide, which is their favourite thing in the whole playgroup and he is so big that he breaks it. So sad!

He is good at other things though, like follow my leader, and carrying all the children on his back for a ride.

In the end all the children love Humperdink and  know just what he can do best.

Buy thi s book here - book icon and web link  Buy this great book here!

A beautiful book, and it will help children to know that we are not all the same and  our differences can be the best thing for us all. recommend for children from 1- 4 years at home and in the Nursery

Written by award-winning author Sean Taylor and illustrated by award-winning illustrator Claire Alexander, Humperdink is a great new title from  publishers, Words and Pictures.


Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

The Flute, cover image and web link
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This is the flute, it sounds like yellow. Easy and mellow...  The Flute is the newly released second book (publication date March 2019), in the series of Children, Music, Life from Tiny Owl Publishing.

Ken Wilson-Max and Catell Ronca bring the flute to life as  words whisper and dance across the page and illustrations reflect colour and life.  You can feel the magic and lightness of the flute on every page.

The series explores different musical instruments from around the world,  how they make you feel and move, their character and sounds, the music they bring which can make you dance, and sing. The first book, The Drum, is also written by Ken Wilson-Max and illustrated by Catell Ronca.

The Drum, cover image and web link
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Ken Wilson-Max, lives in London, originally from Zimbabwe and has illustrated more than 60 books, including The Drum which is shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Award 2019. He publishes a newspaper for children called Chicken! He is an amazing story-teller, visiting schools and spending time with children.

Catell Ronca lives in Lucerne and studied at The Royal College of Art, London and has a huge range of art projects including children's book illustrations.

Tiny Owl Publishing has a unique place in children's books, bringing diverse voices and an amazing skill in creating beautiful and readable books for children and adults too. They also have a range of resources which are useful for teaching.

The books are perfect for Early Years and can encourage conversations between child and adult, can be an excellent sharing book at bedtime. The Flute can also be a starter for further learning about music, instruments and making music, but also about feelings, inner thoughts, ourselves and our choices, much to explore through the start of a life with music with The Flute and the series Children, Music, Life from Tiny Owl Publishers.

Buy these great books here!

We thoroughly recommend for ages in Early Years from babies to beyond!

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Grobblechops - cover image and web link
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What kind of monster is lurking under your bed? Grobblechops is one of those monsters that just becomes more frightening by the minute.

An old tale by Rumi, a 13th century poet and Sufi mystic, which is given a new take by award-winning author, Elizabeth Laird.

Grobblechops looms large in each of the stunning illustrations from Jenny Lucander, it is spiky and brown, with teeth as large as you can imagine and eyes that keep on staring at you.

'But what....' asks Amir at every answer given by his parents to his worried and questions. ' But what if my monster's got a Dad too?'

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Eventually, Amir is persuaded that his monster might just like to play. And so he does and so does the monster's mother and father and life can calm down once again.

Brilliantly told tale and Elizabeth Laird has an amazing way of making the words on each page just right for the images.

Or maybe it's the skill of illustrator Jenny Lucander to create the pictures that fit so amazingly well with the words? Either way publishers Tiny Owl have another excellent book to add to their collection.

Watch a video from publisher

A great book to have, recommended for ages 3-7 and older too!

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Tiger Walk - cover image and web link
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One day Tom draws a tiger, it turns out to be the beginning of a magical life-changing adventure as the tiger helps Tom to overcome some of the biggest fears.

Tom feels the tigery breath against his cheek.

" Let's go for a walk", the tiger purrs.

" But it's night time. And it's very dark!," whispers Tom.

" Tigers aren't scared of the dark. Besides there's a moon. Climb up. Hold tight."

And so Tom ventures off with the tiger into the night and into the forest.

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A stunningly beautiful book by Dianne Hofmeyr and illustrated superbly by Jesse Hodgson, from the publishers Otter-Barry.

This book will help to dispel fears, bring pleasure to dreams and children will love the pictures. The tiger manages to look powerful, determined but safe and helpful. Whether you could put all your trust in him... well that's what makes this story magical.

Great new book and recommended for many nights of reading.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Silnet NIght - cover image and web link
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The world's best-loved carol celebrated in this wonderfully illustrated book by Lara Hawthorne.

UNESCO declared this iconic song an intangible cultural heritage in 2011 and this book brings you more than the carol as it winds its way through the verses, with illustrations that will bring joy to you this Christmas.


The story of the nativity is shown and you can follow the journey of Mary and Joseph to the stable where Jesus is born, and the arrival of the guests; the shepherds, the animals and the wise men.

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Above all the book presents the spirituality of the nativity, as the world welcomes Jesus quietly into the world, Christ the Savior is born!

I remember Silent Night from my school days,as our music teacher was so in awe of the carol that we were never able to sing it, in case it brought tears to her eyes! I have tried to sing it quietly ever since!

There is a page at the back of the book about the carol and some of the history. It was written in 1818 in Salzburg, Austria by Joseph Mohr - a curate in the town especially for the Christmas Eve service.

It was later sung on December 25th 1914, during the truce period of the First World War by soldiers on both sides of the trenches.

Lara Hawthorne, the author and illustrator is based in Bristol and has many titles to her name, including The NIght Flower and Huberto. Lincoln Children's Books part of QuartoKnows includes this title in their portfolio and it has a special place as we approach Christmas.

HIghly recommended for children of all ages.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Please Mr Magic Fish - cover image and web link
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Jack and his wife can't believe their luck when the Magic Fish gives them a pretty little cottage, food to eat and a blue teapot on the table. But they never say thank you and they always want more.

Eventually the fish gets angry with their demands and the sea rages. Jack and his wife should have stopped asking for more because eventually it doesn't go well. Find out what happens, click on the image to buy the book.

Please Mr Magic Fish - image and web link
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This is a beautifully written and illustrated  tale with a fresh and lively re-imagining of this old folk story, by Jessica Souhami. She is an excellent storyteller and artist, using bold colours and characters that leap through the pages.

Published in August 2018, by Otter-Barry Books, this book will make an excellent buy for home and nursery, ages 3-5 years.

Sue Martin

Dolphin Book Sellers - great children's books always on-line is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.