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World Reader and Cambridge University Press, South Africa (CUP SA) are working in partnership on e readers and mobile phones.

This means that anyone with a phone (non smart phone), in South Africa, can now access books and stories through the World Reader app, on the cloud based mobile application platform BiNu. This enables phones such as Nokia, which are widely used across the continent of Africa, to be used as reading devices.


This is amazing news for literacy and for all who are working to make reading a possibility for everyone across the world.

Niall McNulty, digital publisher at CUP SA, described the development as 'genius'.

'A recent report by UNESCO, Reading in the mobile era: A study of mobile reading in developing countries, highlights the importance of using mobile devices to encourage a culture of reading by providing access to books to people who previously had none.'  African Branch of Cambridge University Press, 11.8.14

Last year, World Reader had 330,000 monthly active users, reading 650,000 books on mobile phones.

CUP has made 360 e-books available via the app, including titles from the Cambridge African Language Library which is a primary reading series.

SmithMartin Partnership are excited at this development and all that it may mean for future readers. We are working with World Reader in a smaller way, through our Books Go Walkabout project to support e-reading and literacy.

The way ahead for future readers!

Sue Martin

dolphinrt.jpgBooks Go Walkabout, Dolphin Booksellers,

part of SmithMartin Partnership LLP is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Image 2The Moose is Loose has been short listed for the Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Awards 2014.

This is a great title and we have used the book in schools in the UK, with great success. Have skyped with Mark across the globe and we are pleased to work with him on Books Go Walkabout projects.

Mark's books are real pleasure to read and the rhymes and illustrations give so much to involve children in the books. They also have a real place in supporting children who don't come to reading too easily and they are wonderful to engage with boys through activities and actions.

They really help reading progress and engage children in wanting to read.




Congrats to Mark, and good luck with the Award 2014.

Sue Martin

dolphinrt.jpgDolphin Book Sellers - always online... is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Image of Wolfman by Michael Rosen and Chris Mould...

Two super star authors have joined Barrington Stoke on the Red Squirrel dyslexia friendly picture book list.

The picture books are designed for easy reading, with good layouts and fonts to help emergent readers and children with dyslexia.

Wolf Man is by Michael Rosen and Chris Mould. The townspeople are terrified, Wolf man is on the loose, he has escaped! This is a funny tale with some serious stuff for toddlers!

Image of Freddy the Pig by Charlie Higson and Mark Chambers...
Really good fun...

Freddy and the Pig is by Charlie Higson and Mark Chambers. Freddy has hit on a cunning plan. He sends the pig to school and he stays at home eating and watching TV. But it doesn't work out quite as Freddy planned.



Dolphin Booksellers are pleased to support these reading projects. is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

When Ali first meets Amirah, he notices everything about her - her hijab, her long eyelashes and her red trainers - in the time it takes to have one look, before lowering his gaze. And, although Ali is still coming to terms with the loss of his mother and exploring his identity as a Muslim, and although Amirah has sworn never to get married, they can't stop thinking about each other.

Can Ali and Amirah ever have a halal 'happily ever after'?

This book is recently published by Kube Publishing, publishers of Islamic literature. It's a stunning novel of young romance, for young people and adults, written by award winning author Na'ima B. Robert.

Falling in love as a teenager is a difficult time and for a young Muslim there are things that make life really hard. 'She Wore Red Trainers' is brilliant at being right there with the characters.

Nai'ima was born in England, grew up in Zimbabwe and converted to Islam in 1998 at the age of 21after visiting Egypt as a student. She graduated from the University of London and is founding editor of the UK-based Muslim women’s magazine, Sisters.

She has published many picture books with Muslim themes and four young adult novels: From Somalia, With Love, Boy vs Girl, Black Sheep and Far From Home. You can discover Na'ima B. Robert's collected works on here.

She has also published a memoir, From My Sisters’ Lips, and a series of children’s non-fiction books under her family name, Thando McLaren. Na’ima B Robert is married with five children and divides her time between London and Egypt.

You can buy direct from Kube Publishing  or from here...

Sue Martin Dolphin Booksellers - the best in children's books always on line is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Image 2Alanna Books is an independent publisher, founded in 2006, and has a number of titles that are beautifully delivered, with a real understanding of children and parents.

They are just the sort of publisher we love! Their latest book is Zeki Loves Baby Club, written by Anna McQuinn and illustrated by Ruth Hearson.

A story for everyone, families are the same the world over.Image 1

It's about all the things that babies find good fun as they develop and increase understanding. The book is full of information for parents too, with rhymes and words to join in with. As well as all that.... the book is a joy to hold and explore. Inside the covers, there's information in small sound bytes about language and communication, stories and reading. It make sit a great book for parents and for Early Years settings too.

You can find more details about the work of Anna McQuinn here on her Amazon page, including details of this great title.

Sue Martin

Pioneer in Children's Literacy and Early Years Consultant

Dolphin Booksellers - the best in children's books always on line. is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

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Year 5 Kellett School students have just returned from a week in Beijing.

An experience of a lifetime with many cultural visits and contact with students in the capital of China. At Books Go Walkabout we just think this is an amazing experience and will produce life long memories and connections with China. What an experience!

In March, this year we were pleased to work with Year 5's on books written by award winning author,Carole Wilkinson, The Dragonkeeper Trilogy. The books are about a slave girl and other dragon keepers in Ancient China. They are some amazing fiction stories with excellent research and information about life in Ancient China.

The books were sent from the UK, written by Carole in Australia and read by students in Hong Kong. We held a video conversation with Carole direct to the students at school, which was great and the students went away eager to read more of the stories.

Books Go Walkabout is on the journey..... Ancient China and beyond!!

Sue Martin - Books go Walkabout is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Image 3Great authors and illustrators have come together for a new picture book list with an added bonus - parents with dyslexia can read them too!

The picture books are designed to enable the print to be clear and well laid out.

Many picture books are now designed with print running through the illustrations and in changing fonts. These are especially hard for anyone with dyslexia to read.


Two great titles out now;

All I SaidImage 1 Was by Michael Morpurgo and Ross Collins. A story about a boy who dreams of flying and then swaps places with a bird. A real imaginative journey and who comes off the best?

Itch Scritch Scratch by Eleanor Updale and Sarah Horne. A wonderful rhyming story with great comedy and just needs to be read aloud!

Red Squirrel books are part of Barrington Stoke, books for readers of all ages who want to have access to the best stories.Image 2




Sue Dolphin rtMartin

Dolphin Booksellers - the best in children's books always on line is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Image 1These are a great series for dealing head on with all those embarrassing things that children do (ok, adults too)!

The books which are available now at Amazon and in bookshops are Black Toothed Ruth Black and Fartin' Martin Sidebottom and with titles like that nothing can go wrong!

They are excellently written by Peter Barron and illustrated in a light and attractive way by David Wright.

When Martin is set to appear before the Queen at a performance, only one thing was bound to happen.
Ruth had so many holes in her teeth that even the dentist was in great peril.

Good books to have in the classrooms and at home. Monstrous Morals have a great series here. You can buy through clicking the picture above..

Dolphin Booksellers is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Image 2'My dragon is made from the sun and the stars.

Sparkled with stardust,

all night he follows the silver moon path

across the sky....'

An excerpt about the first dragon in the book, 'Tell Me a Dragon' by Jackie Morris, published by Frances Lincoln.

At Books Go Walkabout we held an author event in March with Jackie at William Tyndale Primary School, London, as part of their Bookweek adventures.

Jackie had the classes spellbound and intrigued as she talked about the places in West Wales where she writes and gets inspiration. The children all live in the city and a far cry from the wildness of the Welsh coast.

Image 1From a painting Jackie completed at the school, the Year 5's began to use water colours and explore making a wash of colour.




Lots of fun and lots of learning.

Sue Martin

Books Go Walkabout Dolphin Booksellers

Twitter @booksgo



Sue, Jackie...after lunch! is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

kellett master cmyk aw

Books Go Walkabout is in Kellett School,Hong Kong during March 2014, celebrating World Book Day with a world book conversation. Based in Cambridge, UK we bring live conversations between authors and children across the world.

We are part of The World Book Day events!

Year 5 students at Kellett School are working on a project about China and Books Go Walkabout is bringing Australian award winning author, Carol Wilkinson via a video link, direct to the classroom.

Carol has written the award wining Dragonkeeper series set in Ancient China during the Han Dynasty. A slave girl, Ping, saves the life of an ageing dragon and escapes her brutal master. Pursued by a ruthless dragon hunter, the girl and the dragon begin an epic journey across China. Dragonkeeper book cover





A great start to our events for World Book Day and for extending good books across the world.

Sharing stories, back in time, journeys into China...BGW logoJS



Dolphin Booksellers - the best in children's books always on line is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.