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Pirate Baby cover image
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How do pirates cope with babies?

"Shiver me timbers," said the captain. "It's a baby!"   

When the crew of pirate ship Ramshackle find a tiny baby adrift on the high seas, they are a bit flummoxed. Even more so, when they discover it's a baby girl.

This is a book full of adventure, surprises, fun and imagination. Taken into a world of pirates on the high seas, it will immerse you into amazing characters, exciting adventures and just how the dare devil pirates cope with a baby girl. As she wins them over, they find ways to give her milk, but in a different way; condensed milk with water is not maybe the best, but she seems to like it!

The pirates won't give up their baby, not even to the women pirates and when a huge sea monster appears it is baby Isla who saves the whole company of pirates.

Mary Hoffman, the author is well-known for her many children's books including Amazing Grace, which has sold over a million copies. The narrative is full of her wonderful style fitting the scenes with pirate adventures.

Ros Asquith a world-famous illustrator and cartoonist, has created delightful characters in the big blue seas. Her books are translated into over 20 languages and she was a Guardian cartoonist for 25 years.

Publishers Otter-Barry are a new publisher and aim to make a difference, push boundaries and publish books that children love. Pirate Baby certainly does all of those.

Buy direct from Dolphin Booksellers and we give 10% of the book price to support children in Nepal.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Mrs Noah's Pockets cover image
Buy this great book here...

When Mr Noah builds the ark, he makes two lists, one for all the animals who will come on board, and one for those troublesome creatures he will leave behind. Meanwhile, Mrs Noah gets out her sewing machine and makes a coat with very deep pockets.

The waters rise and rise and Mr Noah is very busy gathering in all the animals.

‘Mrs Noah went for one last walk, wading through water, into the heart of the Mythico Wood, on errands of her own.’

This is a beautiful book with a starlit combination of author, Jackie Morris and illustrator, James Mayhew. It is published by Otter-Barry Books, and is a delightful new book on their collection this year, published on 7th September 2017.

   Jackie Morris is an author and illustrator, photographer and painter. She lives in a small house by the sea in St David’s Wales, a place of wonderful views and possibly a little bit of magic too?

James Mayhew is also an author, artist and storyteller whose books reflects his passionate advocacy of the arts for young children. He lives in Baldock, Hertfordshire.

The text is magical with a sense of mischief and purpose around Mrs Noah, as she sets out on her journeys in the coat with very large pockets.

At the end when the dove returns with the olive tree twigs and the animals are released, the answer to the mystery of the pockets appears in the illustrations.

I loved it and would like to read and look at this book again and again.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Surprise! Surprise! - cover image and web purchase link
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It must be Spring! Two new books from Otter-Barry Books about baby arrivals, but they are completely different stories. Beautiful books with delightful illustrations and stories that will be wonderful for sharing.

Surprise! Surprise is by Niki Daly. Niki is an internationally acclaimed, award winning writer and illustrator who lives in South Africa.

The story is about a couple who dream of having a child, but end up looking after a little pig as a child. When he is not allowed into school because he is a pig, they start to rethink the whole thing and make changes, But not changes you would expect... they all end up with surprising noses! Be careful what you ask for...


Monster Baby - cover image and web purchase link
Buy this book from The Dolphin...

Monster Baby is by Sarah Dyer, who won the Smarties Bronze Award for Five Little Friends. A really good book to read if a baby is on the way, it is written from the older brother's point of view,he couldn't be held by his Mum and then had  to share his toys and presents. Very appealing illustrations and the monsters as characters are fun and quirky.

Both books are newly published this month, March 2017 and form a great part of the book-list of Otter-Barry Books, an exciting new imprint for children's books.

Sue Martin - Dolphin Booksellers

Dolphin Book Sellers is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.