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Bear can’t find his glasses. He must have left them at Giraffe’s house. On the way over, Bear sees all kinds of animals he didn’t notice last time: an elephant, a crocodile, a flamingo, a deer. And who’s this long spotty snake lying on Giraffe’s deckchair?

The patient Giraffe finds Bear’s glasses—right where glasses always get lost, perched on his head.  Then Bear takes Giraffe to meet these wondrous animals that he found on the way.

Leo Timmers’ details are full of expression and humour—the angle of Giraffe’s neck and lift of his eyebrows, hiding his scepticism as he helps his friend, the dear, artless bear. Through an ingenious telling of this classic comical situation, he shows us how to enjoy the world through different eyes.

Guess where Bear's glasses are? A brilliant way of enabling children to be another character, walk in Bear's shoes, because he really does think he has lost his glasses!

A simple tale yet so true, where are things when we lose them? Thanks to Gecko Press for a beautiful book.

Sue Martin Children's Literacy Specialist is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

"What can we do
when Mother Earth needs our help?
From one to ten we’re counting green
to keep our planet safe and clean."

Super brilliant new book for young children and anyone who wants to find ways to help our planet survive, published 16th March 2023.

Follow a group of children as they discover how every small action can make a big difference and help to save our Earth. From one new tree and two breezy bicycle wheels to seven beach pick-ups, nine wild flowers and ten friendly neighbours.
Illustrated with the simplicity, warmth and charm which Barroux is famous for, Counting in Green is an inspirational picture book, encouraging young children and their families to push for change and keep our planet safe and secure for all living things.

Hollis Kurman is a multi-talented author ,and writing for children is just part of her talents. Counting in Green is part of Counting series. There are amazing activities to download and videos too.

Otter- Barry Books has a wonderful portfolio of books and Counting in Green is an excellent addition to their books which will make a difference to children's lives.

It is always a joy to receive a book from Otter- Barry Books and Counting in Green is a book which I will enjoy so much for sharing at home or for school visits.

Sue Martin Children's Literacy Specialist is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.


Two new books for the Zeki series from Anna MacQuinn & Ruth Hearson.

Inclusive picture books which celebrate every day routines and shared time in early childhood. The illustrations are perfect for young children who will easily see the connections with their own daily lives. The text is just right for reading short sections and can easily lead to talking about the pictures.  A real delight in picture book series for home and nursery.

Zeki Rise and Shine

After a big sleep, it’s time for Zeki to wake up! His eyes, ears, mouth & nose, head, shoulders, knees & toes shimmy, shake and bounce into action. By the last spread, he’s ready for anything! An energetic companion to Zeki Sleep Tight, this is a perfect way to start the day.

After a busy day, it’s time for Zeki to slow down… One by one, his senses get ready to sleep. The room is hushed, the lights low – and after a dozy story, he’s already beginning to nod off.
A gentle companion to Zeki Rise & Shine, this is a perfect way to end the day.

Perfect gift for baby and parent. Celebrates all that is good about life as a baby.

Sue Martin - Children's Literacy Specialist

Part of Books Go Walkabout, Stories across the world. is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Africa is a treasure chest, too." Tante James says. ' Full of fruit and spice and precious wood like ebony. For thousands of years, trades sailed across the Red Sea to buy frankincense resin to make perfume.'

An incredibly insightful book about the importance of culture and a sense of belonging. A visit to the Trinidad for Paloma and her family starts conversations about how people from Africa first came to the Caribbean. They brought with them a few belongings like the combs that they still use.

At first Paloma doesn't feel she belongs, how can it be her family when they can't even understand what she is saying? But Tante Janet reassures her that the African family goes back thousands of years, to beyond a time when they were fighting the Romans!

Through the beautiful illustrations and engaging text on each page, this book draws you in to this amazing story of people, families and relationships through time.

Rachel Williams, co-publisher and managing director, acquired world rights from Caroline Sheldon at the Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency. The picture book will be published in August. 

 Williams said: “Unflinching yet uplifting, Patrice’s story takes us through the dark days of colonisation and enslavement, to the emergence of a thriving, contemporary Africa of many faces, places and triumphs. A book every family should have to understand how the human story starts in Africa.   As quoted in  The Bookseller

Patrice Lawrence, the author grew up in a house of books and knew how important they are to understanding so much.' Words build worlds. Words create people,' says Patrice. Booktrust article 2019 The Book That Made Me: Patrice Lawrence

Jeanetta Gonzales, the illustrator, has captured the feel and message of this story perfectly. She has a huge wealth of illustrations and hugely talented.

Magic Cat Publishers are a new and vibrant publishers, full of exciting titles now and even more in the future. Download a catalogue or check out their website.

Highly recommend this stunning book. I keep finding new and amazing quotes in each page!

Sue Martin    Children's Literacy Specialist is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

When you have a heart as big and brave as a wolf but everything around you makes you feel small, then is the time to dress up like a wolf and feel free. This is a beautiful book about overcoming shyness and finding yourself. The illustrations are exquisite and you really feel you're in the forest with trees and snowflakes, how Sophie plucked up courage just to speak to her friends when she felt so desperately shy was wonderfully illustrated.

Sophie tries to fit in at school, but everyone laughs and whispers behind her back. One day something extraordinary happens, she is whisked away to a snowy land and meets a wolf and her cub! They have the best time together, rolling around and howling in the snow. Sophie has finally found friends and nothing can ruin her day, until a big angry bear bear appears. But Sophie has found her voice now and she's found the courage she's been looking for all along.

Joe Loring-Fisher is an illustrator storyteller and mum of four. She lives in bath with her family, loves the natural world and enjoys creating images using a range of materials producing wonderful illustrations her other picture books include taking time and just like you.

Frances Lincoln Children's Books part of the Quarto Knows group are the publishers. They have a wealth of beautiful and meaningful children's books. Wolf Girl is a fantastic addition to their publications.

From the depths of the cover illustrations with wolf girl, a wolf, snowflakes and an owl you and any children will be intrigued and keep turning the pages.

It is  a wonderful book to have,  to read and to share.

Sue Martin Children's Literacy Specialist is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Have you ever thought about the length of time that rocks and boulders have been around?

From the beginning of time in effect and its only in recent years, geologically speaking, that people have been around to walk to the highest mountains and climb indomitable peaks.

Rock and Roll are two boulders looking happily onto the world. However, when the people come and award them with gifts and adornments, they become jealous of each other. They complain to the wind and the clouds who are unhappy to hear about the feud between them. In fury they make a storm,  boulders fall from their perch, losing all of their possessions.

The boulders, now broken into rocks and stones, finally realise that what they own is not as important as who they love.

The author and illustrator, Hazel Terry, lives in Edinburgh and her style is eclectic and inspiring. Each page of this beautiful picture book is inspired by fossil patterns such as ferns or clams. Hazel wants to show that all life is interconnected, precious and important. By talking through the boulders, Rock and Roll the book  has a sense of the length of time that rocks have been on this earth and the short time that humans have been involved.

Tiny Owl are the publishers and have an amazing portfolio of books,  packed with meaning, full of inspirational illustrations and text. Rock and Roll is a wonderful addition to their new books with publication on 9th September 2021

This is a Picture Book appropriate for all ages and is a great way to be reflective and concerned for how we live on this planet.


Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.


As we emerge from the lockdowns of 2021, I imagine we will all be travelling in our cars to places in the UK. For anyone with children on a long journey this book is ideal.

It's a fun packed activity book filled with cars, buses, trucks and all the vehicles you see as you journey along.

There are puzzles galore, quizzes and drawing activities. All you need are colouring pencils and hours of fun are at your finger tips. My favourite is the page on Design your own sports car...

Or maybe you could design a poster for a monster truck rally or play spot-the-difference in a mechanic's garage or find the way home in a road maze.

Putri Febriana is the illustrator, she is based in Jakarta in Indonesia and her work is really engaging, bright and colourful. Her previous books include On the Plane Activity Book.

Wide Eyed Publishers part of Quarto Knows are the publishers with a stunning portfolio of beautifully published titles which bring delight their readers.

The Car Activity Book is the perfect companion for a long and short journeys and road trip holidays, this book will keep you busy for hours! In the Car Activity Book is a fun gift for all young readers who love cars and vehicles.

Sue Martin

 is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

Freddie and the High Flying Kick - cover image
Delightful graphics, great storytelling...

How to see the world from  a different point of view. How it feels to never be included in the games and fun activities because you are in a wheelchair of have to use a frame.

This is  a special book about disability and shows the absolute understanding of how difficult life becomes when you can’t take part in activities where other children are having fun .

Sometimes its hard to be involved and easier just to walk away rather than help.

Freddie and the High Flying Kick is a story which shows how the power of working together with a group of children cam make all the difference. Freddie is helped by the Super-siblings, who at first find it hard to know what to do. But they do take the giant step and help Freddie who just needs someone to help his balance as he kicks the football so high.

Zoe Wanamaker has reviewed the book and says, 'This is charming, delightful and fun. A lesson in care for others. The pictures and verse make it a joy to read!'

Freddie and the High Flying Kick is available on Amazon and  is written by Adelle Spindlove with illustrations by Claire S. Bicknell and would be well placed in schools and early years settings as well as in the home.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.

A heartwarming picture book from award-winning author-illustrator Caroline Magerl about a little bear who forges a forever friendship.

Nop is a scruffy kind of bear. He sits on a dusty armchair in Oddmint's Dumporeum surrounded by the beaders, knitters, patchers and stitchers who are much too busy to talk to him. So he watches the litter tumble until, armed with a new bow tie, he has an idea that will change his life forever...

A beautiful book about a bear. A bear that has been left behind and not noticed by those working in the Dumporeum. Maybe that is a good thing as Nop begins an adventure.

Books go Walkabout book shop button image and linkThere is much to be said for a book about bears in this time of stay at home and stay indoors. May be the time to check out those cupboards where bears may be lurking or even trying for adventures.

The illustrations in line and watercolour have a magical feel about them and a real joy to explore bringing the text alive.


Caroline Magerl  is an award-winning and internationally distinguished illustrator, cartoonist and painter, who is now recognised as a unique and arresting presence. Her work spans from dark, enigmatic oil paintings, through incisive cartoons, to lively children’s book illustrations.

Walker Books published Nop in Jan 2020 and have a great collection of picture books for young children as well as a host of other genre. Their website has some great links to their teacher notes and videos.

But for now, Nop is definitely a book to add to your list of books to buy in January lockdown of 2021.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.


Sail away with your imagination...

Matthew Flinders was born in 1774 in a quiet village in Lincolnshire, England, called Donington.

He was expected to stay at home and become a doctor, but he had other ideas, like sailing the world and the high seas!

This an intriguing book providing all the information in chunk size pieces, carefully researched, beautifully written and crafted by Carole Wilkinson.


Matthew Flinders was determined to map the entire coast of the continent we now call Australia. His story is packed to the gunwales with adventure – storms and shipwrecks, death and danger, a race to beat the French – but more than this, it is a story of loyalty to his crew, love for his wife, and affection for the brave little cat who sailed with him.

Did you know that Flinders was the first person to circumnavigate Australia and create the map of the whole continent. He was a cartographer and completed the maps of Australia, mapping 35,000 kilometres of coast in leaky ships, a magnificent achievement.

The book is an excellent resource with a package of resources including route maps, a time line of Flinders’ life and a glossary. It has everything you would need in gaining an insight into the Flinders’ as a navigator and a cartographer. There is also a great set of teacher's notes on Wild Dog Books.

Carole Wilkinson is an award-winning author from Melbourne, Australia. She has recently written a wealth of fact-finding books including Putting Australia on the Map, Ten Pound Pom and Atmospheric. Her adventure series of Dragonkeeper is now being made into an animated video and is a unique series on life in the Han Dynasty through the eyes of a slave girl.

Prue Pittock, the illustrator, also from Melbourne is passionate about illustration and has a unique style, displayed beautifully in Matthew Flinders.

Wild Dog Books is an award winning Australian independent publishers,  inspirational in their catalogue of books on environment, history and the future, they just know the excitement in great stories told well.

I love this book and wonder and dream if one day,  and maybe  one day soon, I too may be heading across continents, although best in a jet plane not a leaky ship . It has inspired me and I am sure it will inspire you too.

Sue Martin is part of SmithMartin LLP

A retail resource for the best children's books, entry point into our children's and community library procurement and supply service. Offering a miscellany of news and featured authors for all our readers, whatever their age.