When little Maya meets a lost baby rhino in the city, it's the start of wonderful happenings.
Little Rhino is lost in the big city – no plants or jungle greenery. Little Maya befriends him, but what can she do to help? She finds a wonderful answer – the city can be transformed into a welcoming green space. which a child and a baby rhino can both call home. An enchanting story of what's possible from an internationally successful author.
Candy Gourlay has written a huge number of successful books for young and older children and is an internationally acclaimed writer. Originally from the Philippines Candy now lives in London and w rites... ' Wouldn't it be lovely if we could make our world a place a baby rhinoceros could call home?' Check the website www.savetherhino.org
Jamie Bauza is an illustrator, designer and crafter based in Manila, Philippines and is a graduate of Ateneo de Manila University. Little Rhino Lost is her first picture book for Otter-Barry Books .
I really enjoyed sharing this book with young children, it engages with them to share in compassion and concern about the rhinos in our world.
Sue Martin Children's Literacy Specialist
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